Ludum Dare 48
Underworld Postal Service
2021-04-01 to 2021-04-03 (72 hours)
This was my first Game Jam, done by me and my good friend Gustav Melander. I contributed mainly with the player movement, enemies and mail communications system as well as the background art. The game ranked in the top 16% percent in the Overall category (620th out of 3966 submitted games) and placed 348th in the Innovation category.
Play the Game: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/48/underworld-postal-service
Gustav Melander: gustavmelander.com

Game Maker's Toolkit Jam 2021
2021-06-11 to 2021-04-13 (48 hours)
This was our second jam and one of the most ambitious. We set out to created a procudural game where the player gets to construct their own raft from pieces that come with the tide. I contributed with system for interlocking and connecting the raft pieces, as well as the various attachments the player can add to the raft, and the interaction mechanics. The game ranked in the to 7% in the Overall and Originality categories (373rd and 334th out of 5729 submitted games respectively).

Ludum Dare 49
2021-10-02 to 2021-10-05 (72 hours)
This jam we had assembled the biggest group yet, being four people, so we once more decided to do a physics based game, this time managing files in an unstable OS. I contributed with the file system, making sure they could be grabbed and nestling folders, as well as randomly generating them.
Play the Game: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/49/physos
Gustav Melander: gustavmelander.com
Oskar Emanuelsson: oskaremanuelsson.net
Bo Steen: https://bo2steen.wixsite.com/bosteenld